Saturday, May 29, 2010

All thumbs

Drew is starting to figure out that those hands waving around... Hey!  They're attached to ME! Along with that has come the discovery of his thumb. He seems to think it's pretty tasty, and we like it because he uses it to comfort himself and cries out less for us when he wakes during the night. And unlike the pacifier... It never gets lost!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mother's Day Week Adventures

For Mother's Day Weekend, Drew took his first roadtrip to Austin to Granddad's house.
Here's my dad trying to feed Drew a bottle of ketchup.

My college roommate Alaina and her husband were in town from Denver.  They stopped by my dad's house and our boys got to meet for the first time.  Alaina and I have celebrated lots of milestones in our lives together, and it's fun to finally be mommies together.

Here's Alaina with Maximus and me with Drew. Yes, my baby looks like he just stuck his finger in a light socket!
Here we switched babies. Drew wasn't very excited about that. 

That weekend we had more family adventures at a Mother's Day brunch with my mom, my grandmother, my and my Aunt Donna and her friend Lynne who were in town from Massachusetts.  I had always wanted to go to Sunday brunch at the Marriott and sit outside by the Waterway.  We had great weather and even though no one else was sitting outside - we got to!  As a Mother's Day gift, Drew slept all the way through brunch. :)

The big news later in the week was Grammy Kay's retirement party after 35 years teaching and librarianing in Texas public schools.  She still has a few weeks left at school, but they celebrated her retirement in style.

Her school gave the retirees each a rocking chair to use in retirement - and she put hers to immediate good use:
Drew is going to enjoy being her new boss.  He wore a special shirt just for the occasion.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day Sermon

Here's a link to the sermon I preached on Mother's Day, my first Sunday back at church.

The sermon is titled "Proverbs for My Son" - in the spirit of Solomon, who addressed many of the Proverbs to his son or sons.  The topic was wisdom (since that's the main theme of Proverbs) and it was addressed to Drew, although he was so excited by it all he and Jim had to leave the sanctuary shortly after it started. 

First Photo Shoot

I had professional pictures taken of Drew at 2 months old. I'm so happy with how they turned out, even though the studio was running about 45 minutes to an hour behind and Drew was "ready for his close up" way before they were ready for him. He got extremely fussy just before the pictures were taken, but thankfully he's seen a few flashes in his short life (his daddy is constantly snapping photos of him!) and he calmed down when the session started.

Jim and I think this one looks more like his senior picture than his baby picture. Doesn't he look like he should have his letter jacket slung over his shoulder?

Here's an almost smile!

My favorite. A typical shot of the happy Drew. And what's that on his overalls? A frog? Shocking!

My favorite of the two of us. What a sweet baby!